A Brief Preview

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Post-Turkey Day, everyone!

Just a quick post about a "whoa" moment I had on Wednesday evening. 

Giving Thanks

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Growing up, I was a huge fan of Charles Kuralt's On the Road series on CBS. He was a superb writer and a master storyteller.

This piece, which first aired back in 1978, is as moving today as it was back then:

I miss Charles Kuralt... but I'm grateful we still have his reminder, courtesy of the remarkable Chandler family of Prairie, Mississippi, of what Thanksgiving is all about. May you be as blessed on this day as they are. I certainly feel that way today. :c)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

HRT: Year One (a/k/a The Breast Is Yet To Come)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wow... a year. It hardly seems possible.

It seems like just a moment ago that I was standing in my bedroom for what seemed like an eternity, staring at those pills in my hand <>.

And then... the journey began. :c)

A Quick One (While (S)he's Away)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Apologies for the scarcity of posts lately. Things have been so, so hectic for months now.

I have so many things I'd like to write about, just from the past month, but I simply can't. I'm working on a longer post, so I'll keep this one brief, and just touch on some recent events that seem note-worthy.

Casa de Cass: It's done!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I am in!!! I'm completely exhausted... but I don't care. :c)

The move went as smoothly as one could hope. T and J very kindly came by to help. We also found my new favorite restaurant, which is literally across the street. (I think I'm getting breakfast there tomorrow, in fact.) The staff there all said I would love the neighborhood; I think they're right. :c)

There's also a great muffin shop  a few blocks away, and what looks like a great bakery around the corner.

Just going to finish this, take a shower, eat my dinner, and then, at long last, sleep in my own bed.

I think I'm going to like my new digs. :c)


While unpacking I listened to one of my favorite Neil Young albums, 1978's Comes A Time. Although Nicolette Larson had a major hit with it, the gorgeous "Lotta Love" was written by Neil:

Here's the title track:

Moving On Up (And Out)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tomorrow is the big day: Casa de Cass becomes fully operational!

It was a crazed week at work (of course), with a big deadline today, but I made it (with help from my co-workers S and B, who are life-savers, and dear friends to boot).

I was up at 4:45 AM today, worked ten hours straight with a two-plus hour commute wrapped around it, and then spent from 5:30 'till now packing clothes and assorted flotsam and jetsam. There's more to do, but I'm calling it a night. One tiny advantage of moving from your childhood home: you can come back the day after you move to get the rest of your stuff. :c)

I'll be up by 6:00 AM tomorrow, so it will be another long day... but the difference is tomorrow night I will be in my own home, and will sleep in my own bed (Is it legal to marry your TempurPedic mattress? Discuss.), and, most importantly, I will be doing so as myself. Finally. And you know what that means: Footie pajamas, here I come!

So, so much more to write about... but sleep beckons. Have a good weekend, all!


The great Curtis Mayfield provides the perfect soundtrack for moving day:

And here's a beautiful cover of The Carpenters (yes, those Carpenters) from 1971's classic Curtis Live album:

He could do it all, couldn't he?


Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm very happy tonight. :c)

I'll write more about it in a day or two (hopefully tomorrow night, in fact) about the reasons why the weekend was so much fun... but for tonight it's enough to acknowledge it.

Special thanks to T and J, who helped make it such a good time. Love you both!

Have a good week, everyone. And, for us Yanks, don't forget to vote!


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