Hope everyone has a great weekend! And thank you for being so wonderful! Love you all! xoxoxo
The Widening Gulf
4 weeks ago
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It was so nice to hear your voice, Cass. Your nephew's comments really touched me. Also loved your comments about your hair. I am so jealous of your red hair!!
Calie xxx
Hi Calie!
Thank you so much, hon! Yes, my nephew is a gem. My sister has done a great job - and credit where it is due, so have my parents. She will be the first to say so, too. No one is completely one thing or another. Always good to remind myself of that fact from time to time.
Thank you for the compliments about my hair. I'm not sure what I did to win the hair lottery lol, but I'm certainly grateful! Cannot wait until it's long enough for me to put up. :)
Thank you again, hon!
Go ahead... more of them for me, then!!! :D
I really like the pulled back hair Cass. You should add some nice earrings to cap off the look!........Joanna
Thank you, Joanna. :) It's amazing how different it makes me look!
I have two pair of earrings I need to try out - I'll give them a shot today if I have time and post the results (assuming I don't take out an earlobe in the process lol). :D
Thank you again!!!
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