Hi everyone. Just a very brief post to apologize for my recent absence. I'm doing well, and gradually getting my strength back, although I still tire quite easily. I'll write more about that, as well as the long-promised post about my time in Montreal at Dr. Brassard's clinic, very soon.
The reason I haven't posted is because my nephew C (from the Conversations with C series on my blog) has been quite ill the past ten days. I don't want to go into details, out of respect for his privacy, but he was very, very sick. He is improving, thankfully, although he still has a ways to go.
He's been a trouper, as always, but he could really use all of the positive energy you can send his way. He is a remarkable young man, as anyone who's read my posts about him can tell. So, if you could, please keep him in your thoughts; I would be grateful. Thank you, everyone, and have a good week. Hopefully I'll have positive news to post about C very soon. :c)
The Widening Gulf
1 week ago
I"m sorry to hear that! Beterschap en sterkte!
I hope that you are both looking after yourselves!
Stace x
Thank you, Stace. Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated :c) I'll be sure to keep everyone posted as to C's progress, promise.
As for me, I'm doing well, other than some occasional trouble sleeping. Nothing major.
BTW, I see that our friends in Muse are in the studio these days. Hopefully we'll get a new album in 2018. :c) Meanwhile, have a good week, Miss S!
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